The F Visa Problem
媒体来源: 中国法律博客
With respect to this issue:

A few weeks ago, I wrote the post Notice: Chinese F Visas Cannot Be Renewed Past Olympics, and apparently I was wrong.

Over the last 10 days or so, I have been fielding emails, Skypes, and phone calls from friends and readers about the pain in the butt that has become their extension process… and apparently the news is BAD.

In a couple of cases, U.S. citizens were told they would have to pay 2300 RMB for a 3 month visa (same price as a usual 1 year).  A 1 year visa.. a whopping 14000RMB!

I can tell you, based on recent personal experience, that Rich is absolutely correct. Forget about getting a one-year F visa and expect to pay an extortionate amount.