China IP Reality
媒体来源: 中国法律博客

From China Esquire:

China has been trying to crack down on intellectual property violations for some time now. (a friend of mine used to do this sort of stuff for a living and he has some exciting stories) That being said, it seems that to the west (and not just America), China can never win. It’s IP enforcement is never good enough.

Tom Chow, welcome to my world. Misery loves company, and trying to explain why IP enforcement is now much better in China compared to the state things were in several years ago is a thankless task. Furthermore, explaining how some of the statements made by the trade associations can actually set back the political debate can be dangerous for us practicing lawyers.

People prefer a black and white, good vs. evil approach. IP enforcement policy is much more complicated, however, and it helps to have a little more sanity out there.