From Asia Times:
From the rubble of the killer earthquake in Sichuan province another face of China, humane and steadfast, has emerged. The disaster, despite its tragic human cost, has provided a much-needed opportunity for Chinese leaders to repair the damage done to the country's international image in recent weeks. When the Olympic torch relay resumes after three days of mourning, it will surely be seen in a more solemn light.
Somehow this pisses me off and cheapens/minimizes all the emotion of the past week. On the other hand, I cannot dismiss the truth of it.
Everyone loved the US of A after 9/11, before America starting invading countries left and right. Tragedy brings out the best in people, domestically as well as internationally. That's a great thing.
But to talk about how tragedy will bolster the image of a country that had been having PR problems is, yes, a cold analysis. I am by nature a cold, analytical lawyer-type person, so I can spot these things quite easily. I wouldn't be caught dead writing that article.
But it's true.