Fuwa Follies
媒体来源: 中国法律博客

Upon returning home this weekend to 阳光100, I was shocked to discover that the courtyard had been infiltrated by these, uh, these things.

I only freaked out a little bit, once I discovered that there were several of the creatures.

My wife quickly pointed out that most of them were running out of air in their little fat suits, so if I could only hold out a few minutes (I did), all would be fine (it was).

A close call, though. These cute little @(%$*^s scare the crap out of me, and let me tell you, I had some very strange dreams that night.

There was no sign of them the next day, the interstellar ship they traveled in, or the huge number of groupies that they attracted.

I just hope that these were licensed Fuwa, and not some cheap knock-offs brought in to entertain at some kid's birthday party. These days, you definitely do not want the Olympic IP cops after you. They are serious, they have authority, and they have (yes, believe it) a real budget. A formidable combination, let me tell you.

So, all's well that ends well. Goodbye, little freaks, and good luck with your next visit/haunting.