Happy Money Party
媒体来源: 中国法律博客

Let's start off the campaign season with a bang. H/T to Danwei for the info:

Greetings Americans in China for Obama:

This week officially kicks off the general election campaign for Barack Obama. It's been a rigorous primary, but we have our nominee, and he's already begun taking on McCain.

Next week, Obama Senior Foreign Policy Advisors Ivo Daalder and Phil Gordon of the Brookings Institute are visiting China. This is a great opportunity for Obama supporters to get a direct audience with the campaign and to hear about their foreign policy positions.

There will be two private fundraising receptions in Beijing and Shanghai. All US Citizens and Permanent Residents are welcome to attend.

BEIJING: Tuesday June 17th
Embassy House
18 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie
(Just north of the Pizza Hut on Dongzhimenwai Street and Chunxiu Street)
For directions please call: (8610) 8449 9888.

Host reception with Ivo Daalder and Phil Gordon: doors open at 6:30 PM
Please contact Erin Keogh: [email protected] for details on the host event.

General reception with Ivo Daalder and Phil Gordon: doors open at 7:30 PM
Price includes dinner and refreshments
Contact Erin Keogh: [email protected]

To RSVP for the event, go here.

Seating will also be available on a first come first served basis the day of the event.

Please bring your US Passport or Permanent Resident card for identification.
This is a private event and is not open to the press.

SHANGHAI: Thursday June 19
At the home of Ted Hornbein
Building 16, Apt. 1002
Zhang Yang Lu, Lane 1515

Host Reception with Ivo Daalder & Phil Gordon: 6:30pm

General Reception with Ivo Daalder & Phil Gordon: 7:00pm
Contact: Ben Johnson +86 13691376931 [email protected]

To RSVP for the event, go here.

I'm slightly disappointed that the two guys they sent are national security types (not my area), but on the other hand, they are extremely distinguished and well qualified national security types. One was at CSIS for a while, and the other is a SAIS guy, so you can't go wrong with them in my opinion – then again, I am hopelessly biased when it comes to these institutions.

Let's face it, national security is still the big foreign policy issue out there, so it's not surprising that the candidates are stacking the deck with folks like this. But would it kill the Obama campaign to include an IP or FDI lawyer in the bunch? I guess I shouldn't hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

I would like to know, however, who is giving each of the candidates China advice.

Anyway, I hope the events go well, money flows, etc. and so forth.