The (U.S.) Tax Man Cometh
媒体来源: 中国法律博客
U.S. citizens, if this tidbit from China Briefing doesn't scare you, then you have my respect and admiration:
The U.S. Internal Revenue Service is opening an office and place an attaché within the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.

The office, which will open “by the end of the 2008 fiscal tax year” according to Barry Shott, the deputy commissioner for the large and midsize business division, will focus on the Asia-PAcific region serve countries including Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, South Korea, and Japan in addition to China.

The office “will be the face of the IRS in the Far East,” says Shott.

I am happy to say that I am currently in compliance with all tax laws of both jurisdictions relevant to my particular situation. I therefore do not have anything to worry about from the IRS, although I have to admit that having IRS agents running around Beijing makes me feel slightly nauseated and panicky. Reflex I guess.

One has to wonder what the scope of authority of these IRS guys will be? What do they do overseas, anyway?