This describes my blogging schedule of late. Seems to be one day on, one day off. I'm trying, folks.
Today's excuse was an Internet advertising contract that took up a big portion of the day. I'm also trying to get ready for a roundtable discussion the firm is hosting tomorrow afternoon on China advertising law. We're hitting the following general topics:
1. Claims & Standards (from a legislative perspective);
2. Comparative Advertising;
3. Ambush Marketing/Olympics issues (this is one that I am responsible for moderating);
4. Internet Advertising (need to contribute a lot on this one as well);
5. Prize/Gift Promotions; and
6. "Green" Advertising (thanks for the help, Charlie!)
It's been advert stuff all day long. With the roundtable ending late tomorrow afternoon, I'll be lucky to get any decent blogging done tomorrow either, but we'll see how it goes.