Shanghaiist gives us the icky news:
According to China Daily, more and more middle and high school students are taking advantage of the summer holidays to make the kind of changes that will impress their peers come fall. But it isn’t a summer class or even a new workout routine they are adopting — it’s cosmetic surgery.
A local paper in Guangzhou, the Nanfang Daily, reported that the number of young people undergoing procedures has doubled for the month of July, when students have time to recover before heading back to school with boosted bodies and self-confidence.
Let's keep in mind that you can't turn on the television anymore without seeing some Korean chick with huge fake eyes, shaved cheekbones (yes, that's right) and a pointy little chin. They're all starting to look like your standard Gray Alien, which is quite disturbing — to be fair, though, at least the Grays do not bleach their skin.
My conclusion: I blame it on the high(er) production values of those Korean dramas.