So Far, So Good
媒体来源: 中国法律博客

I've been laying low (from a blogging perspective) during the past week. As I'm not much of a sports fan, at least in the absence of the NFL, it makes sense for me to leave the field to folks who actually know something about the Olympics.

I also thought that now would not be the best time to write esoteric posts about law and politics while everyone's attention was focused on other stuff.

Speaking of that "other stuff," I have certainly not been motivated to jump in on the comment bandwagon with respect to the Opening Ceremonies criticisms. Suffice it to say that I thought the show was fairly entertaining, particularly for an event that has some rather daunting built-in disadvantages (i.e. the parade of national teams). Kind of like the Academy Awards – there's just so much you can do with the thing.

The flurry of news stories in the past week, most of which are rather mundane, have not really piqued my interest either. Although I'm glad that the Olympics have finally arrived, I'm already kind of looking forward to the post-Games return to normalcy.

With all of that being said, let's move on to Track & Field, enjoy (for the moment at least) the wonderful weather, and hope that we have a great second half.

In the meantime, I will preoccupy myself with U.S. politics, work, and a move to Fu Li Cheng next week — if anyone has any suggestions for stuff to do in Shuang Jing, drop me a line. I haven't been a south-of-Guo Mao kind of guy since 1999 and have no idea what to do down there.