Links of the Day
媒体来源: 中国法律博客

Been playing around with Google Reader since I moved back from Bloglines recently. I'm trying to use the "sharing" function to some advantage, but it's a work in progress.

For the time being, links to my shared items are being displayed on the right side of the page, fairly near the top, under the imaginative title "Links of the Day." Have a look.

Also for the time being, I am keeping the focus limited mostly to IP stories, both in China and elsewhere. Seemed like a good way to keep track of stuff like copyright infringement cases, what the RIAA is up to, etc. without having to waste everyone's time with a whole post on the subject.

We'll see how it goes. I may end up getting rid of the Twitter widget. Twitter's instability has kept me off for weeks, and frankly it was getting kinda boring anyway. Maybe one or two more chances before I axe it.