DRM Hell
媒体来源: 中国法律博客

So you got IP problems with your digital media product?

Here's a cool idea. Let's figure out a way to piss off all your customers, limiting sales and killing the buzz you've spent years developing about the release of your product.

Excellent, but how to do it? How about slapping on some severe digital rights management restrictions? That should do the trick.

At the same time, let's make sure that all those pirates out there can still crack this sucker with relative ease so that in addition to everyone yelling at you, all those Swedish buccaneers will be laughing their asses off at you at they pass your product around like a cheap whore.

Sounds like a good idea, right?

Last thing — we need a good product name.

How about 'Spore'? Good? Let's run with it.

Coming very soon to a mirror site near you.