The writer of the banned book Candy, and, Panda Sex (according to China Daily more mature) and Acid Love, sues Google.
Shanghai's "Best Bad Girl" Author Mian Mian (棉棉), finds support from the China Written Works Copyright Society.
Chen Jia en Xie Yu of China Daily report:
"Mian said Google scanned her entire novel, titled Acid Lover, published by the Shanghai Joint Publishing Company, without notifying her or paying her for copyright permission. Google China deleted Mian's Acid Lover from their website on Nov 15. But she said a Google key-word search still brings up passages of her book."
So now not only the China Written Works Copyright Society, see here, and the Chinese Writers Association are negociating with Google about the Google Class Action Settlement over Google Books, but an individual has sued the company based in Mountain View, California, as well.
Read the China Daily article here.