New Tech Regulators in China Have Been Busy Little Beavers Recently
媒体来源: 中国法律博客

Hot on the heels of Internet content, website, and domain name controls, here's the latest control attempt by China regulators:

China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has announced that it will cooperate with other related departments to accelerate the legislation for a mobile phone real-name system in 2010.

The ministry stated basic telecom enterprises should launch various preferential measures to encourage users to provide valid identifications for real-name registration to increase the ratio of real-name registration mobile phone users. This will bind each mobile phone to an actual person. (ChinaTechNews)

This campaign against "bad" mobile content has been sold as an anti-pornography measure. Being able to track down users will certainly combat the dreaded plague of dirty pictures on mobile phones, and much more of course.

Things seemed to have changed dramatically since last year, haven't they? I wonder what will be in store on the regulation front for 2010?


© Stan for China Hearsay, 2009. |
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