Hu Jintao's Serious Words About Innovation and IPR in China: "Treasure As Your Life"
媒体来源: 中国法律博客

Innovation is for each country crucial to compete. Now China's Harmony Express, the world's fastest long-distance passenger train service between Guangzhou (廣州) and Wuhan (武漢) has just been launched and is with 350 kilometers per hour 50 kilometers per hour faster than Japan's Shinkansen bullet train and France's TGVs. Read Tom Mitchell's article for FT here. Therefore it is no wonder that China's president Hu Jintao (胡錦濤) is urging local companies to put a lot of efforts in innovation.
At a Zhuhai (珠海) software company, cited by CCTV via China IPR he even said : "Nowadays, the competition in information technology is extremely fierce. I hope you, as a software company, will treasure technological innovation as your life. You need to own intellectual property rights for your products. I hope you will be pioneers in the development of our country's software industry."
Read here.