Who’s Responsible For The Name Of Lenovo’s New Smart Phone?
媒体来源: 中国法律博客

Chinese PC maker Lenovo Group has unveiled its first smartphone product named Lephone, along with a new laptop brand Skylight, during the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

Lephone is based on Google's Android operating system. It adopts the touch screen concept and integrates various communications methods, including phone, SMS, email, and instant messaging. (ChinaTechNews)

Jeebus. My cat coughs up better product names. I hope this isn't followed by "Lelaptop," "Lee-reader," "Letablet" and "Lemp3."

If Lenovo paid an international ad/PR firm more than twenty-seven U.S. dollars to come up with that name, the team responsible should be subject to professional sanctions.

It also just occurred to me that if you take the "Le" as the French particle, then the name "Lephone" becomes extraordinarily generic and would not be eligible for trademark protection without unique secondary characteristics (e.g. font, logo, color, etc.). Let's hope they checked all that out already.

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