Confucius Says: Eat Me, Avatar
媒体来源: 中国法律博客

Despite long queues for tickets to see Avatar — which was expected to earn more than 500 million yuan (£45 million) at the Chinese box office — reports claim that the film will be removed from screens for being subversive.

Hong Kong’s Apple Daily reported that the state-run China Film Group had instructed cinemas nationwide to stop showing the 2-D version of Avatar from January 23 on orders from Beijing’s propaganda chiefs. (CDT)

Based on nothing more than a hunch, this feels like a money and protectionism thing, with the censorship issue thrown in as an excuse. The cancellations are being made to pave the way for a big splash of the home-grown Confucius biopic.

I could be wrong, though. China Film Group and the local cinemas are profiting from Avatar showings as well. But I don't know, for some reason I feel like something else is going on here.


© Stan for China Hearsay, 2010. |
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