Jia Lu, affiliated with Tsinghua University and Ian Weber, affiliated with University of Southern Queensland, Australia wrote an interesting paper called: 'Internet Piracy Software in China: A User Analysis of Resistance to Global Software Copyright Enforcement'.
Jia Lu and Ian Weber try to find reasons for why the Chinese accepted global copyright law, but also resist it at the same time. "The study uses Mittelman and Chin's (2005) framework of Polanyi's (1957) counter-hegemony and Gramsci's (1971) counter-movements as a heuristic [commonsense rule (or set of rules) intended to increase the probability of solving some problem: IP Dragon] device to conceptualize the resistance points to globalization located within the dominant discourse on intellectual property rights, specifically Internet software piracy, by Chinese Internet users. Gee's (2002) discourse analysis framework is applied to produce seven recurring themes within online postings: cost, convenience, software companies, foreign developed countries, China's development, Chinese culture, and moral dilemma."
Read the paper of Jia Lu and Ian Weber, 'Internet Software Piracy in China: A User Analysis of Resistance toGlobal Software Copyright Enforcement', Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, November 11, 2009, 2: 4, 298 — 317 here.