Time to Start Demonizing the Japanese
媒体来源: 中国法律博客

China trimmed its holdings of US debt by US$34.2 billion in December 2009, leaving Japan as the largest holder of US Treasury securities, the US Treasury Department reported yesterday. (Xinhua)

Good news/bad news for U.S. xenophobes. China is not, at the moment, the largest holder of T-bills. On the other hand, another nation of sneaky, yellow people still occupy the top spot on the list. What's a parnoid nationalist to do?

My advice: start drinking heavily, and then come up with a plausible strategy for demonizing the Japanese, perhaps beginning with product liability issues with Toyota. It's only fair after all the China bashing, and product liability is a winner topic.

[Note: This blog does not encourage the demonization of anyone, with the exception of investment bankers and lawyers.]

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