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Republican senator says Ukraine may have to cede land to Russia to end war
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Ukraine may need to cede land to Russia in order to end the Russian invasion there, Republican US senator JD Vance said Sunday.

The comments underscore how a bloc of GOP lawmakers are staunchly opposed to extending US support for Ukraine nearly two years on from when the world rallied around it after Russia’s invasion of its borders.…

This data comes from the media intelligence and smart news insights monitoring platform.

Original URL: Click here to visit original article

Republican senator says Ukraine may have to cede land to Russia to end war
Aggregated Source:

Ukraine may need to cede land to Russia in order to end the Russian invasion there, Republican US senator JD Vance said Sunday.

The comments underscore how a bloc of GOP lawmakers are staunchly opposed to extending US support for Ukraine nearly two years on from when the world rallied around it after Russia’s invasion of its borders.…

This data comes from the media intelligence and smart news insights monitoring platform.

Original URL: Click here to visit original article